5 Days: $165
10 Days: $310
20 Days: $600
*Days don’t have to be used consecutively, but need to be used within a 6 month period.*
Drop Off Window: Pick Up Window:
7:30am - 8:30am 4pm - 5:30pm
Drop your dog off with us for the day to get:
-Mental and physical stimulation
- Supervised group play (for those who are able/choose to participate)
- Crate training (structured nap/down time throughout the day)
- Socialization and indirect/direct presence of stimuli
Late Pick-Up:
After 5pm, I will charge $75 fee.
*Note: I will work with you on pick up and drop off times if you talk to me in advance.*
Payment Policy:
If you do NOT have a package purchased or credit on your account, payment for the day will be at the time of pick up. We take card or cash.